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Bill Wallace is one of the original founders of New Light Wood Works. 
It's been in operation since 1976. Bill is located in Wake Forest, North Carolina.


Wood is an amazing material.  It can be as flexible as a piece of paper or as rigid as a beam of a house.  By using skills that combine body and hands, mind and imagination, I create objects that show purpose, beauty and whimsy.

By cutting, turning and carving on pieces of wood, I expose a wide range of shapes, colors and textures. I enjoy working on more than one piece of work at a time.  Much of my work is taken directly from a log or a piece of wood that I have found or reclaimed.  This usually means that I’ll start working on the piece while it still contains moisture and it has to be dried while I’m working with it before it can be finished.  This process takes several months and allows me flexibility in the way I create my work.

To complete pieces I try to make them as stimulating tactilely as they are visually.  Wooden pieces whether they are tools, toys or sculpture are long-lived and are a wonderful bond between past and future generations.
                                                                                                                             Bill Wallace